July 2022: Prema gets awarded EMBO Travel Grant to attend the EMBO workshop on cancer signaling, Croatia
July 2022: Aswin wins second position in the Young Researcher Pitch Competition 11th International Conference on High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology, Denmark.
June 2022: Pranav gets awarded full scholarship to attend the Summer School in Solvation Science in Ruhr Bochum, Germany.
May 2022: Lydia Mathew joins our group. Welcome.
December 2021: Lab welcomes Lydia Mathew as an Internship Student for her master thesis research.
July 2021: Lab welcomes new members, Saitali, Aishi and Dheeraj
May 2021: Lab is awarded with India Alliance DBT Welcome Trust Intermediate Fellowship. ​
December 2020: SERB Women in Excellence Awarded to SK
December 2020: NASI-Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award comes to Lab
October 2020: INSA medal for Young Scientists Award comes to Lab
Jan 2020: Manjari gets EMBO travel grant to attend EMBO symposium: Mycobacterial heterogeneity and host tissue tropism at Delhi, India.
May 2019: Abhishek Singh gets selected to attend the Summer School-Solvation Science in Bochum, Germany.
April 2019: The first publication from our lab get accepted! Congrats to all authors.
January 2019: Lab welcomes Abhishek Kalarikkal as an IRCC Internship Student for his master thesis research.
August 2018: Ruchika wins travel grant to attend the 7th Bio-AFM summer school at Kanzawa University, Japan
July 2018: Ruchi Yadav secures a PhD position at Rutgers University, USA. We wish her all the best.
July 2018: Lab welcomes new PhD students Prema and Anjana
January 2018: SK is awarded the DBT-Ramalingaswami Fellowship.
August 2017: The lab is inaugurated and welcomes all new members

January 2017: Dr. Shobhna Kapoor is awarded the DST-INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship.
December 2016: Dr. Shobhna Kapoor recieves IIT Bombay Young Faculty Award.
December 2016: Dr. Shobhna Kapoor joins IIT Bombay, Chemistry Department.